Saturday, 31 March 2012

HTC Sense is closing,so go grab your data until end of April

HTC Sense is closing, so go grab your data until the end of April

If you do not get your data off of HTC’s backup service at before April 30th, you are out of luck. HTC is shutting down HTCSense and deleting every shred of users’ data. You might be asking if it makes sense to erase Sense – pun intended. Here is our evaluation of HTC’s crazy thinking.

HTC states that they are under construction of a new Sense and that when it is ready, they will notify customers. However, that begs the question, why destroy the old one before the new one is built, tested, and in place? Does this not alienate their customers and undermine customer confidence?
They are emptily calling the new services improved, but how can they claim that if the services have not yet been built, tested, and deployed? Or are they hiding something from us?
The real question is why HTC would delete their users’ data rather than porting it to the new system. It is a gigantic inconvenience for the user and HTC must realize that there will be many who will lose their data. Those who lose their data will feel justified in blaming HTC, in spite of the warning to backup the backup of the backup data. After all, they would be right in blaming HTC for not conveniently porting the data to the new system. The user did not decide to create a new Sense and they should not be penalized nor put at an inconvenience over it. HTC must take up all the slack. This is a big negative against HTC in the customer care area.

What to do?

If you want to retrieve your data, you must log into and download it in a zip format prior to April 30th. The consequence of missing this date is that your data will no longer exist anywhere in the universe of HTC.

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